
Showing posts from December, 2013

Somalia: The failings of negotiation protocols and the development of corruption

The last few months have been insightful, I have had the opportunity to meet and converse with a number of government officials including some who are my peers from Somalia. Some came with optimism, some looked weary and drained, and some just looked bewildered. Nevertheless the resounding consensus was that the political system was stagnant and fraught with uncertainty. This was to be expected as the last two decades and a half of political turmoil set the present stage. I took it upon myself to understand why the system was not functioning as envisioned, or was it fulfilling its purpose of intentional design. I also knew that this course of action was going to ruffle few feathers, nevertheless I did not intend on holding back my line of questioning. Either way I believe that this form of inquest is healthy and necessary for the further development of our Neanderthal type of governance, no disrespect intend to the older Homo sapiens. As always I started with questions conc

Somalia: A Vicious Cycle of Tribalism and Corruption

The powers that be have hired a new Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed.  As per the usual the never-ending debacle has surely began. Somali politicians numbering in the millions the world over are all lining up to praise or condemn the new man on the guillotine.  In the last few hours I have read more statuses on the subject than I could process. The underling theme is either hate or extreme jubilation, the combatant shattered democracy grinds along. Yes that is what it is, two warring camps that have commenced the battle. The fight is based on tribalism and the hope and prayer for serious nepotism on behalf of the new man.   All the while I am forever weary of the evil sublime method in the way neocolonialism keeps its agenda hidden amongst the natives of my continent.  No one is actually seeing the elephant in the room. The Somali government is infested with corruption yet gains more and more funds. The international donors are lining up with their interest and the centr