A Better Place

Wisdom, finally I have found you while rekindling my love in Africa’s bosom. Remembering the time my mind dwelled in utter confusion, and my heart played possum. This man made system demands absolute submission, but this soul will never willingly seek damnation.

I refuse hypocrisy to use me; something forces me to swim against the currents of constructed lies, laid out bare by my people’s tearful eyes. They say the world has plenty; sweet rhetoric to deceive me, rose lips and the velvet nudity of democracy, lady liberty seeks to seduce me, such vanity only tickles the weak minds fancy.

I never trust the promise of those who wish to enslave me, played the fool and ended up with my hands damaged, scared and empty. Taken was my land and sovereignty but now I am wise, it took me centuries to see beyond your suited disguise. 

From morning to sundown patiently I await, knowing that once again I am to face your impending hate. If the mothers of Gaza can withstand the oppressors fire, who am I to despair. I force my body to prepare, teach my mind that freedom is for my soul to declare.

I would equally be a liar, a storyteller if I told the Palestinian children I knew what they are going through, I watch you cry as the weaponry starts to rain, entire families destroyed, faces darkened and plastered with pain. Fighting to stay alive, your resilience is truly an inspiration, my weakness leaves me unable to run to your side, and so my prayers mask my shame and frustration.

Around the world swells a billion lives entrenched in sorrow, agony can never cure agony, political deception gets harder and harder to swallow. When will we stand and regain our today so that our children can live tomorrow.

Our elected masters sit on thrones and indulge on our hard earned monies. Often they tried to recruit me into their convents, stating how the world belongs to the one percent and the rest where just lowly tenants.

If had never dreamt of my own death, the deception they taught me would have flowed with every passing breath. Today as a father I work harder to teach my seeds to look further, beyond the Human Rights and its devious glitter, soon I see the coming of Africa’s intifada.

I will never fall in love with this world again, our separation I solemnly swear with this paper and pen. I am not a warmonger nor am I a passive impostor, if freedom is not worth fighting for then I am nothing more then a white man worshiper.

My heart seeks a better place, if I knew then what I know now I would never have taken time for granted, true and unadulterated freedom is all mankind has ever wanted. I stepped away from the rat race and realised how much I had fallen; only my faith broke my fall. Right this minute what I am feeling I don’t mind at all.

Sunshine or stormy weather, my ambitions will never weaver or falter, total self-determination and nothing other. To the arrogant imperialist who wishes to induce me with fear, heed these simple words I declare, in exchange for my desire sadly you have nothing of worth to offer.  

To those of my people who can clearly see and hear, those who know that freedom has a high cost and it is our collective responsibility to bear. Fear no man regardless of the monstrosity of his evil stare.   

Hamza Egal © copyright 2014 all rights reserved.


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