
Showing posts from 2016

Chosen to Be Forgotten

Forgive me for my persistence, how else can I convince you of this urgency. When it’s easy for you to grab the remote and change your mind in an instance. The world crumbles around us yet our consciousness is forever lethargic. Let your mind slumber, and let your body vegetate, it’s not one’s concern if another human’s life is tragic. Addicted to the gentleness of doctored malice, your eyes shy away from the faces of the nemesis. Desperation of ignorance leads to an abyss that is deeper the human foolishness. What do you see when you look at me? A young black man focused on pyramids of legacy? Or fuel for the fires of hate that consume me before they consume you? Time's precession might be the reason for your unawareness but we all burn eventually. Flames never discriminate but man doesn't think before they perpetuate hate. Syria, the chemicals in my water can’t allow me to shed a tear even though I feel your pain deep inside my liver. Debris buries the

SOMALIA: A Traitorous Path

“The myth that statehood development can only be achieved by following the path set out by those who initially hindered our advancement has long been dispelled. I for one cannot accept the Somali constitution for the simple fact that it does not encompass the equitable dreams, hopes and the bright future I would like for my nation.” Introduction: The System Significant commentary has been held and written about this East African nation for the last few decades. Historically Somalia was celebrated by most African states as a pioneer in governance during the postcolonial era, the same can be said for many other African nations of the time. Today Somalia has fallen so far as to be deemed a fragile or failed state; most don’t realise or appreciate the implication of the term “failed state.” Whether the expression itself is justifiable with regards to Somalia is debatable and I often find myself questioning the qualification criteria. Nevertheless what is evident without any do

Once In A Moment

There were times I was touched by so many beautiful minds. Within my people I found fertile moralities ready for the revolution. I don't know how the world should be, but I know it shouldn't be like it is, do we aspire for more. Dancing to the pipers fiddle, the young are marching for one terrorist or another and the first option is always war. Now every time we met again your confusion ink's my pen. Toxic is your resolution, telling me we can change things from within. Like the devil you seek a damned companion, trying to swallow your own misgivings. Old friends, together we stood and fought for freedom. Now you pretend they don't own soul, cheaply you gave away your vision, and worthless paper bought you whole. I can still see your anguish even if I was clinically blind. You ran out of faith and now its constantly pacing through your mind. Mental weakness sent you back to slavery, now you kneel and prostrate before the enemy. I pray to the heavens that my life ne

When It All Falls Down

“If anything this generation must teach the next generation that true undulated power can only be found in the hearts of the hungry. Sooner or later change will destroy the corruption, and who desires change more than the hungry?”                                                                                                                 - Hamza M.O Egal It is said that there are no new immoralities under the sun, and all of humanities experiences virtuous or undesirable have touched all of mankind in one way or the other. Throughout my continuous search for knowledge I have always been fascinated by history. The eloquent records of how previous civilisations reached their heights then by their own misguided actions came tumbling down kept me awake endless nights. These failed civilisations withered by time, now serve as a reminder to some or as museum attractions to most. We marvel at the ingenuity of the past, the beauty of their architectures, their cunningness in con